Other People A Mystery Story Martin Amis 9780140060065 Books

Other People A Mystery Story Martin Amis 9780140060065 Books
It starts off somewhat nonsensical, but it's supposed to be like that to tell the truths of this fiction. I've actually HAD amnesia before (after a seizure for me), and can attest to the reality of the narrative. After you wake up, everything is that off kilter. That particularly sculpted chapter of near nonsense draws you into the precisely correct mode of observation the author intended. Well done, Amis.The story is flat-out riveting from there. Towards the end, it reads like poetry, but better. Martin Amis really does have some weird and obscure one in 100 million literary and psychoanalytical skills.
This book is just FANTASTIC.

Tags : Other People: A Mystery Story [Martin Amis] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When Mary Lamb wakes up in hospital, having lost her memory, times begins again. The author also wrote The Rachel Papers,Martin Amis,Other People: A Mystery Story,Penguin Books,0140060065,Fiction General,Fiction Literary,Modern fiction,Crimes against,England,Fiction,London,Young women
Other People A Mystery Story Martin Amis 9780140060065 Books Reviews
This gripping mistery story focuses a young woman, Mary Lamb, who suddently wakes up in the streets of London and doesn`t seem to remember who she is, apparently knowing nothing about her life. As the plot develops, some hints about her backup life start appearing, and slowly she begins to discover some things about her. Martin Amis manages to create an intriguing and entertaining story about the development of one`s personality and the coming of adulthood, as Mary as to deal with multiple problems and new people that she doesn`t seem to understand. With time, she starts changing and turns into a different, stronger, less innocent and naive person to become a stronger and at times manipulative woman. As she starts recognizing the world that surrounds here, Mary also learns how to deal with "Other People". The book is engaging and compelling for the most part, and Amis writes with a true sense of detailed and credible atmosphere, managing to deliver some witty observations, clever humour and well-crafted characters. The ending, however, is a bit lackluster and really disappoints, given that until there the book is consistently good and surprising. Still, "Other People" is a worthwile pick nonetheless, even if it doesn`t stand out as one of Martin Amis` best pieces of writing.
Intelligent, poignant and amusing.
This is one of Martin Amis's earlier novels, written during the phase where he seemed to be aiming to emulate the early career of Nabokov in producing short, stylish novels that play with the conventional rules of reality and narrative structure.
Other People can seem perplexing, but I think it is essentially an interesting angle on the social phenomenon of downward mobility - well off people going off the rails and plunging into messy troubles - which was a prominent one in 1970s London.
The heroine, Mary Lamb goes through an amnesiac process. She finds it difficult to remember nouns, common terms, the names of familiar objects. The whole world is a riddle for her. Thus a newspaper is a 'dirty sheath of smudged grey paper that came and went every day'. She wanders innocently through shabby London society, commented on by a mysterious narrator, leaving a trail of destruction wherever she goes. Through a mysterious policeman, Prince, she learns about Amy Hide, a girl who has disappeared. Amy appears to be Mary's doppelganger, another Nabokovian technique Amis has raided in this novel. Eventually, this strange netherworld comes into focus and it is revealed what has happened to Mary during her life.
Other People may seem odd, but I think it is one of Amis's most stylish and heartfelt fictions. The character of Mary Hide is endearing in a way that Amis's characters rarely are. Amis himself has suggested that 'Other People' can be read as a sort of sequel to his later novel 'London Fields'. Readers of 'London Fields' who know how that book ends will have a useful lead into this one.
In pillaging our Florida home whilst prepping it for sale, I finished the book I was reading, a history of the 6th Army Group in WWII, in which my Dad served, so I therefore needed to find something new to read, so I pulled "Other People A Mystery Story" off the shelf and started reading it.
I prefer non-fiction to fiction -- history, biography, science, etc -- but this, which is fiction by Martin Amis, is pretty good
"Mary found Sharon's remarks more compelling than might be supposed. Harm, luck and time were precisely the sort of things she was keen to know more about. Sharon's references to them were of course too intimate to be of much help, but they told Mary that language was out there somewhere, waiting to be discovered and used by her. Each word she recognized gave her the sense of being restored, minutely solidified, as if damaged tissue were being welded back on to her like honey-cells. Even now she knew that language would stand for or even constrain some order, an order that could not possibly subsist in anything she had come across so far -- that shadow driving across a colourless wall, cars queueing in their tracks, the haphazard murmur of the air which gave pain when you tried to follow it with your mind...."
I'll admit that Amis knows how to write a page-turner. But there's supposed to be a climax after you turn all those pages. None of that in here.
To me, this book was all about sex, and the many ways it can go wrong. There were so many sordid, miserable sex scenes, I started reliving parts of my past best left unremembered.
I say, no thanks! I'm glad I read "Night Train" first, so I know how gifted Amis is. If I had read this one first, I wouldn't have read any more of his books.
Not MA's best but definitely readable.
It starts off somewhat nonsensical, but it's supposed to be like that to tell the truths of this fiction. I've actually HAD amnesia before (after a seizure for me), and can attest to the reality of the narrative. After you wake up, everything is that off kilter. That particularly sculpted chapter of near nonsense draws you into the precisely correct mode of observation the author intended. Well done, Amis.
The story is flat-out riveting from there. Towards the end, it reads like poetry, but better. Martin Amis really does have some weird and obscure one in 100 million literary and psychoanalytical skills.
This book is just FANTASTIC.

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